Extract Tooth with Oral Surgery

Tooth Extraction - same day, painless, quick recovery

Dental Extraction in Ventura

Rohan S. Toor, DDS Tooth Extraction for the Ventura Community

Tooth extraction is the procedure of pulling a tooth from its socket. Tooth extraction is a safe dental procedure that is necessary for impacted teeth, overcrowding, and severe tooth decay. Dr. Rohan Toor of Rohan Toor Dental Care has extensive experience with tooth extractions since 2017. We are located near Ventura, California.

The type of tooth extraction, the anesthetic used, and the dentist or oral surgeon's experience influence the cost of tooth extraction. Recovery after a tooth extraction lasts a few days, while complete healing takes about 3–4 weeks. According to Prevalence of Postoperative Infection after Tooth Extraction: A Retrospective Study by Yue Yi et al., the post-infection rate following tooth extractions is modest, at 1.4%. Faster healing and recovery after a tooth extraction are made possible by following the aftercare guidelines of your dentist. Call (805) 639-3050 to make an appointment with us.

Do I Need my tooth extracted - Ventura?

Tooth extraction involves removing a tooth from its socket. Tooth extraction is the solution for cases of tooth decay, impacted teeth, and crowding. These are the indications that you need a tooth extraction.

  • Severe tooth damage due to widespread decay.
  • Impacted tooth that did not emerge entirely emerge from the gums.
  • Gum disease and infection.
  • Orthodontic treatment to improve the alignment of your teeth.


Is Teeth Removal painful?

You are given an anesthetic to help with the discomfort of having a tooth extracted. Your comfort level and the tooth extraction level of difficulty will dictate the type of anesthesia to use. You will feel pressure and movement instead of pain during the tooth extraction procedure with anesthetic. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are over-the-counter medications to relieve pain following a tooth extraction. Post-tooth extraction discomfort can be lessened by applying an ice pack to the extraction site.

Post-Operative Instructions


How long will it take me to recover after a tooth is pulled Oral Surgery?

Your dentist or oral surgeon will advise you to take it easy for 48–72 hours following a tooth extraction. You will be able to resume your regular everyday activities after that. On average, it takes 3–4 weeks for the soft tissues that were impacted by the tooth extraction to heal completely.

How Much Does extracting a tooth Cost in Ventura?

Simple tooth extractions often cost between $65 and $300. The price range for a surgical tooth extraction under anesthesia is $125–650. Costs for complex surgical tooth extractions range from $175 to $600. The operation for Tooth Extraction Ventura is partially covered by dental insurance.

How much does Dental Extraction Cost without insurance in Ventura?

The cost of tooth extraction without insurance ranges from $75 to $600 per tooth. Depending on the method of extraction and the anesthetic chosen, tooth extractions performed without insurance can be expensive.

How much does teeth extractions Cost with insurance in Ventura?

You pay $35 to $400 per tooth in teeth extractions with insurance near Ventura. Dental insurance covers about 50%-80% of the total cost of tooth extractions.

What Factors Affect the Cost to get tooth extracted in Ventura, CA?

The primary determinants of tooth extraction cost are the method of extraction and the type of anesthetic employed. Compared to surgical extractions, simple extractions where a tooth is still present in the mouth are less expensive. A surgical extraction is more difficult because the tooth has not yet appeared from the gum line. The process probably includes local anesthetic. Nitrous gas, a type of sedation anesthetic, costs $50 to $60 for every half-hour of use. The expenditures of x-rays, dental examinations, drugs, and follow-up appointments are additional expenses related to the Tooth Extraction Ventura process.

Choose Best dentist for an Extraction with Dr. Rohan Toor

Looking for Tooth Extraction Near Me? We at Rohan Toor Dental Care are equipped with the latest technology including a 3D scan to evaluate your tooth for extraction. We have a range of anesthetic and sedation options to make you comfortable during your dental extraction.

Dr. Rohan Toor has been doing tooth extractions since 2017.

Dr. Rohan Toor and staff regularly attend continuing education courses to update their knowledge and skills in dental care. We are the place to go for tooth extractions near me in Ventura.


Tooth removal in Ventura

Make an Appointment with Dr. Rohan Toor at Rohan Toor Dental Care to know if you need a Tooth Extracted

* FREE Tooth Decay Consultation ($100 Value).

* FREE Digital X-rays especially to see if an Extraction is needed ($150 Value).

* We Maximize your Insurance so you pay less out of pocket.

Dr. Rohan Toor at Rohan Toor Dental Care offers tooth extraction nearby Ventura neighbors can afford. To make an appointment, contact us at (805) 639-3050.


What to Expect After removing a tooth?

You must bite down on a piece of gauze following a tooth extraction to promote blood clotting at the extraction site. After the procedure, there will likely be some pain and discomfort, but these can be controlled with medicines and an ice pack. Your dentist will provide you with specific aftercare guidelines to facilitate healing and recuperation after a tooth extraction.

Affordable Dental Extraction Near Me in Ventura, California

Searching for Dental Extraction Near Me in Ventura? See our dental office location and directions.

Do I need an Emergency tooth extraction?

It is generally recommended to seek immediate attention if you are experiencing severe pain or other symptoms such as swelling, fever, or difficulty breathing. If a tooth is infected and causing intense pain, it may need to be extracted as soon as possible. Do you need an Emergency tooth extraction due to severe pain? Give us a call for a same-day appointment for urgent tooth removal in Ventura.

At Rohan S. Toor, DDS, we value your oral health. We also offer teeth extractions Near Ventura. If you are in or near Ventura, CA, our team of extraction dentists and friendly staff will be here to assist you with your pre and post extraction care.

How is a tooth extracted?

A dental consultation and an x-ray is necessary before tooth extraction. The area around the extraction site will be numbed with anesthetic. An elevator is used to loosen the tooth for a simple tooth extraction. Forceps are used to extract the tooth. A small gum incision is made to extract a tooth surgically. Before extracting the tooth, the dentist might need to cut the tooth or remove the bone surrounding it. For people who need to have the gum lines closed over the extraction site, stitching is necessary.

How to Recover After a Removing a Tooth?

What to eat after a tooth is pulled out?

Eat only soft foods and drinks within the first few days following your tooth extraction. These are the foods you can eat after having a tooth extracted.

  • Apple sauce
  • A potato dish
  • Pudding
  • Soups
  • Uncooked eggs
  • Yogurt

What not to eat after a Tooth is taken out?

Avoid crunchy, chewy, and hard foods after having a tooth extracted. These are the foods to avoid after a tooth extraction.

  • Meat
  • Hot foods (pepper, paprika)
  • Snacks like popcorn, cookies, nuts, and chips
  • Liquids that must be sipped with a straw
  • Alcoholic beverages